The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies

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The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies

My name is Kara Simmons and when my four-year old son fell and knocked out his front tooth, I was terrified. I quickly drove my son to the dental office so the dentist could treat my son. When we returned home, I began thinking about dental emergencies and what I needed to do if something ever happened again. I felt that if I was informed, then a dental emergency wouldn't be as frightening. I spent days doing research and I even spoke to my dentist about common types of dental emergencies. I wrote everything down so that I could refer to my notes when needed. I want to help other people learn about dental emergencies and the steps they should take. Although I don't wish a dental emergency on anyone, I do hope that if needed, my blog will be of help.


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3 Home Remedies For Oral Bacterial Infections

Oral bacterial infections can stem from poor immune function, taking certain medications such as corticosteroids, and genetic predispositions to infections. While taking antibiotics is often the recommended method of treatment, they may lead to unwanted side effects such as abdominal cramping, diarrhea, acid reflux, and a reduction in your body's stores of good bacteria. Here are three home remedies that may help eliminate oral bacteria if you are unable to tolerate the side effects of antibiotics:


Eating yogurt can help decrease the overall bacterial count in your oral cavity. It is a rich source of probiotics, and can help normalize the pH levels inside your mouth. Yogurt also helps to boost your immune function so that you can fight off infections, including those in your mouth and throat.

Eating a cup of yogurt every day will help eliminate your oral bacterial infection, however, make sure that the brand you choose contains live bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus. Yogurt can also help minimize gastrointestinal side effects of antibiotics, should your physician or dentist recommended that you take them. 

Baking Soda

Another effective home remedy that can help treat an oral bacterial infection is baking soda. Not only can baking soda help sooth irritated oral tissues affected by a bacterial infection. Baking soda also has antimicrobial properties, and is simple to use.

All you have to do is gargle with a small pinch of baking soda added to a cup of warm water, a few times a day. To further boost the antibacterial effects of baking soda, include a pinch of salt in your warm water. Like baking soda, salt also has antimicrobial properties, and will help soothe an irritated throat. 

Peppermint Tea

Not only does peppermint tea taste good, it also has potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. You can drink peppermint tea anytime you want, as it has few side effects. One contraindication for drinking peppermint tea is for those who suffer from acid reflux disease.

Peppermint can cause heartburn, and is a known upper gastrointestinal irritant. In addition to helping eliminate bacterial counts from the oral cavity, peppermint tea can also help minimize other symptoms related to bacterial infections such as sore throat, coughing, and sore gums. 

If you develop sores in your mouth or throat, oral pain, drainage from your gums or teeth, unusual bleeding, or fever, see your dentist or a dental hygienist in your area. These may be signs of an oral bacterial infection and will need to be evaluated. In the meantime, try using any of the above home remedies to help soothe your mouth, while helping to diminish infection-causing oral microorganisms.