The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies

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The Steps To Take For Dental Emergencies

My name is Kara Simmons and when my four-year old son fell and knocked out his front tooth, I was terrified. I quickly drove my son to the dental office so the dentist could treat my son. When we returned home, I began thinking about dental emergencies and what I needed to do if something ever happened again. I felt that if I was informed, then a dental emergency wouldn't be as frightening. I spent days doing research and I even spoke to my dentist about common types of dental emergencies. I wrote everything down so that I could refer to my notes when needed. I want to help other people learn about dental emergencies and the steps they should take. Although I don't wish a dental emergency on anyone, I do hope that if needed, my blog will be of help.


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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments That Can Restore Your Smile

Are you unhappy with your current smile? The good news is that there is something that you can do about it. There are cosmetic dentistry solutions that will allow a professional to improve your smile, which will give a boost to your overall appearance as well as self-confidence. There are several different treatments that can be used to rectify aged, damaged, or otherwise unsightly teeth, gums, etc. Here are a few of those specific cosmetic dentistry treatments that are available to repair your smile:

Teeth Whitening

Over time, your smile will lose that bright shade of white. However, you can brighten your smile relatively quickly with a teeth whitening treatment from your dental professional. Rather than living with fading teeth, boost your confidence and appear younger with a whitening treatment. This treatment will eliminate surface and deep stains from the enamel, resulting in a bright white smile. As a general rule, the whitening treatment will take roughly an hour, and you will see instant results; at-home treatments often take weeks or months to garner the same results.

Porcelain Veneers

If you are dealing with a crooked tooth or otherwise damaged smile, you can alter your smile so that its flaws are hidden with porcelain veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will craft the veneers so that they are tailored to you and your mouth. He or she will also ensure that the porcelain matches the rest of your teeth so that you have a beautiful smile.

Composite Bonding

With composite bonding, you can repair a smile that is decayed, discolored, or otherwise damaged. The process uses a material that is similar in color to your tooth enamel. Your cosmetic dentist will remove the decayed or otherwise damaged portion of your tooth, add the composite material, sculpt it to match the shape of your teeth, and then cure it with a high-intensity light.


One of the most discreet ways to correct crooked teeth is with Invisalign. Crooked teeth can often make eating a bit challenging, and they are not attractive. In addition, crooked teeth allow plaque to form more easily due to trapping food easily, which all leads to an increased risk of infection and tooth decay. Metal braces are effective, but they can be awkward and unsightly. Invisalign has no wires or brackets, and instead uses a system of virtually invisible trays.

For more information on any of these cosmetic dentistry treatment options, reach out to a dental clinic in your area today.